About Us

Rashtrotthana Parishat is a voluntary service organization that aims to promote the values of patriotism, nationalism, and humanism in the society. The organization was founded in 1965 with the vision to create a healthy and sustainable society. We work in various fields such as education, health, service, publications and environment. The organization has a network of over 50 initiatives (18 Prakalpas (Projects) and 35 activities) across Karnataka and has touched the lives of millions of people. Rashtrotthana Parishat strives to create a strong, united and prosperous Nation while upholding the distinctive culture and character of India and its people.

Samagra Vikas facilitated through Panchamukhi Shikshana

The basic system of education at RVKs (Rashtrotthana Vidya Kendra) is known as ‘Panchamukhi Shikshana’, a value-based education for the all-round development of a child. Apart from Intellectual Development, focus is also given on the Emotional, Psychological, Physical and Spiritual Development in order to bring the holistic growth in the students.

Physical Aspect

Indoor and outdoor games along with Martial Art – ‘Karate’ is conducted to make the child physically fit as healthy mind revolves round a healthy body. Utmost importance is given to child’s balanced diet as it is essential for the proper growth and all-round development.


At RVKs psychological and academic ambience is provided by ensuring vibrant creative and innovative environment to the child, where the teacher deliberately provokes the student to think and ask questions, challenge them with new ideas, as a result of which the entire process seeps into child’s subconscious mind that learning is an active and joyous process.


Yoga is essentially a way of life that integrates the means of harmonizing the body, mind and spirit that elevates the child psychologically. There are eight steps: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Prarthyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi which elevates the psychological aspect of the student. Through a series of postures, breathing exercises, Asanas, Mudras, Pranayama and Meditation children are enlightened. That helps them to plan purposefully, prepare prayerfully, proceed positively and pursue persistently so as to create their own beautiful world.


Children are ‘Emotionally” enriched by learning dance, drama, music, art and crafts along with celebration of various Jayanthi’s and Festivals of the rich Bharatiya Culture, Heritage and Strong Ethical Values. As a result of which child’s personality is enriched and enlightened with love, loyalty and proactive patriotism in general, family, society and our motherland in specific.


We ensure ‘Spiritual’ environment filled with serenity, joy and beauty which are consciously cultivated through prayers, chanting of Shlokas, Bhagwad Geeta and Veda Mantras as a part of regular activity.

Life @ RVK

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